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ONLINE Mastermind day Tuesday Oct 8th

Date: 8th October 2024  

Time: 10:00- 16:30

Strip away the fancy venue, the 4 course fancy lunch and all that Jazz. We're bringing it back to what is important...YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS!  We've been listening to you all and understand what matters. A chance to have a voice and get some sh*t done!!!

Presenting the Yellow Tuxedo Mastermind day. After the success of our in-person masterminds we have decided to run this event online to allow our participants who may be further afield to get involved!

Come and spend the day with us along with up to 3 other business owners to work on you, your business and getting yourself seen and heard out there.

There will be lots of opportunities to hot seat and chat through the challenges you face in your individual business and the chance to get to know some incredible peers who will be there to help raise you up. This particular mastermind will have a focus on content creation.


When: Tuesday 8th October 10-4:30pm [ With lots of provision for screen breaks!]

Topic: Online business growth.

Where: Online

Cost: £150 per person.






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