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May 29, 2024

People Pleasing serves me well | Ellcie Moore on the Small business podcast

In a refreshing chat  on the Digital Circus podcast, Ellcie Moore, business co-pilot and self-proclaimed people pleaser, shares her perspectives on embracing people pleasing positively, striving for simplicity in life and business, and her journey to self-employment. People pleasing can actually be a beneficial trait rather than a negative one and, in an overwhelming world, can help to highlight the importance of aligning your work with your intrinsic values is essential for a fulfilled life.

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The Positive Side of People Pleasing

Ellcie opens up about her identity as a people pleaser, a trait she views not as a negative quality but as one that has significantly shaped her life in a positive manner. Ellcie argues that people pleasing, often misconstrued as a weakness, has been instrumental in her success, allowing her to foster meaningful relationships and create value in her work and personal life. This perspective challenges the conventional narrative, and shows that when balanced correctly, the desire to please others can actually lead to mutual growth and satisfaction.

The Pursuit of Simplicity

In a world where complexity and chaos seems to be the norm for most of us, Ellcie really advocates for a return to simplicity. Whether its streamlining work processes or decluttering your daily routine, the pursuit of simplicity is not just a means to reduce stress but a way to enhance overall quality of life.

Leveraging Systems and Processes

Ellcie’s journey into the world of systems and processes was not a predetermined path but rather a result of her curiosity and innate desire to improve efficiencies. Initially starting in customer service roles, it was her knack for questioning the status quo and seeking better ways to accomplish tasks that led her to specialise in optimising systems and processes.

Embracing Change and Staying True to Oneself

Throughout the discussion there was an underlying theme of staying true to oneself amidst the demands of business and life. While people pleasing is a part of her identity, she stresses the importance of setting boundaries and making choices that align with ones personal and professional goals. The conversation serves as a reminder of the power of introspection, the importance of embracing change, and the need to prioritise well-being and values in the quest for success.


Listening to Ellcie on the small business podcast really brought to life the potential for traits like people pleasing to be strengths when they are coupled with self-awareness, simplicity, and the effective use of systems and processes. Her journey from an employee to a self-employed business co-pilot illustrates the transformative power of following your passions, questioning the norm, and actively seeking to simplify life and work.

We really enjoyed to talking to Ellcie, she really is just the loveliest person that you will ever meet. And if you're looking for someone to co-pilot alongside you and you business we thoroughly recommend having a chat with her.

Find out more about Ellcie Moore here...

Visit Ellcie's website here

Connect with Ellcie on Linkedin

Follow her adventure over on Instagram

And if you've enjoyed listening to this weeks episode of The Digital Circus LIFE why not go back and listen to our episode with Vaishali Shah..

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