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June 3, 2024

Living with Epidermolysis Bullosa / EB | Vie Portland | Small Business Podcast

Vie is an inspirational figure who helps people find their fabulous. She believes in making a difference and leaving the world a kinder, happier place. She is also a business owner who is living with disability, an in particular Epidermolysis.

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In todays episode Vie emphasises the importance of kindness and creating a ripple effect of positivity. She discusses the challenges of connecting with others and the struggle with confidence. She also shares her personal journey of overcoming obstacles and embracing her true self. Vie's message is to embrace change and live life to the fullest.

Key takeaways from this weeks episode with Vie

  • Kindness and positivity can create a ripple effect of happiness and make the world a better place.
  • Confidence is often a barrier to connecting with others and spreading kindness.
  • Embracing change and overcoming obstacles can lead to personal growth and a fulfilling life.
  • Living with a chronic condition like EB can shape one's perspective and inspire resilience.

Find out more about Vie Portland here...

Visit the Vieness CIC website here

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Vie is a muched loved member of The Digital Circus business community. If you are interested in finding out more about joining and finding out how you can improve the online visibility of your business find out more on our dedicated The Digital Circus page here.

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